St Johns

Monochromatic Sunset in HDR

past, present and future

Jacksonville's landscape...

Jacksonville Arboretum, Proverbs 27:19

Ocean Ambience

for my buddy #2

Mayport, Matthew 5:44-45

Ibis at Twilight...

After the Sunset (HDR)

Lonely Boat

Here's My Card

Volleyball in HDR (jacksonville beach)

A get well sunrise

Let's put a smile on that face...

Jax Sunset

Sunrise at Jacksonville Beach Pier II

Joker Shoot

Rock On (after the sunset (HDR))

My View On The Way To The Beach.

Living Room Panorama

Atlantic Beach, Psalm 16:11

Jacksonville Pier 1

Jacksonville Beach Pier


Ft. Caroline, Jacksonville, Job 12:22


Low Tide...

Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida

Worth the Wait...

17th Hole TPC Sawgrass

Walking the Jacksonville Beach Pier at Sunrise

Atlantic Beach, 1 Corinthians 13:12

.............and there shall be Light


Sunset over the Fort George River

The Dock...

yip yip

Atlantic Beach, Psalm 93:4