
On & On

Flower Stop




Tianquan County 雅安 天全縣

Tianquan County 雅安 天全縣

Tianquan County 雅安 天全縣

Tianquan County 雅安 天全縣

We led a number of art tutorials for the students as a fun activity, and donated some art supplies. The new year is the Year of the Horse so it was appropriate to draw horses, they were adorable!

#noentry 11:50 to 12:20 #strangeroadsigns #whatdoesitmean #sichuan #tianquan #lunchtimecongestion

Tianquan County 雅安 天全縣

Tianquan County 雅安 天全縣

Tianquan County 雅安 天全縣

Tianquan County 雅安 天全縣

Tianquan County 雅安 天全縣

Tianquan County 雅安 天全縣

Tianquan County 雅安 天全縣

Tianquan County 雅安 天全縣

Whoopsie, forgot to post this picture. All the prerequisites for a teacher: chalk, eraser and a switch to hit the students with! #howtomaintaindisciplineinachineseclassroom

Love our Roots and Shoots kids. They jump right in and do great work with the kids. Thanks for a great day!

The books were a big success.