There's a bend in my river

Lake Michigan sunset, as optimized for Flickr viewing

I am the wave

#boardwalk #marsh #river #view #muskrats #wildlife #nature #grass #explore

Snowy Owl

Overgrowth versus soil erosion - instax

A View from the Top

view from the top

New Buffalo Beach

Beach facilities

lake and sun view

American Avocet (Recurvirostra americana)

Chandeleur Gull (Herring x Kelp hybrid)

Alive with color

Coughing on conifers can kill

Chicago Skyline...From 50 miles Away...Across Lake Michigan

Purple Sandpiper (Calidris maritima)

Diagonal growth pattern

Living life on the edge

view of attached dunes

When life gives you sand, make a beach

Out to Sea

Tornado forming?

Enchanted forest I

Day at the Beach

Weko Beach Waves

Stream along the dunes

70 KB of Lake Michigan

This is not the Arctic Ocean!

New Buffalo Beach

Memories of Summer

Weko Sunset

Life is good...

Galien River

Flowing into the Sea

Stream at the beach

Weather front


Lift Off

Oxygène II
