Favorite Sunset!

Lake Lanier, GA Sunrise using ND filters (6555)

Lake Lanier, GA Sunrise using ND filters (6581)

Sunflowers in July


Have a seat and enjoy the snow!

Custom interior with skull shifter

Big Orange Mercury

Red and Yellow - horizontal

Caney's Barn, Johns Creek, GA

Portsmouth, NH

Sweet Potato Vine

Sunrise over Lake Lanier - Panorama, Cumming, GA

view to a fall

Watching the Sunset at Indian Seats.jpg

Valley View.jpg

Sun Rays on Sawnee Mountain.jpg

In Awe

To succeed means that you may have to step out of line and march to the sound of your own drummer

Poole's Mill Bridge

Moonrise over Lake Lanier

Winter Day at Lake Lanier

A sky too big to fit - 2017-03-25_02

Lake Lanier, GA Sunrise using ND filters (6567)

Foggy Chattahoochee 3

Brookwood Barn

Old Winter Barn

Bald Ridge

Morning after the storm

Subtle Details

Memorial Day 70_HDR

Lake Lanier, GA Sunrise using ND filters (6577)

The glorious lamp of heaven, the sun. ~Robert Herrick

Memorial Day 106_HDR (1)

Beautiful day for #soccer!!

Dahlia I

Around the bend

Express LIne

Beautiful sky, not beautiful traffic

Lonely Lacrosse Ball

Mountain Top Sunset 54_HDR