blomidon vineyard, nova scotia

Eat-in or Fly-out?

A-wiltin' on Earl

Fox Hill Cheese House

Corner View

View from the ice and snow

Grand Pre, NS

blomidon view

minas basin view

HDR Combine

endless possibilities

A Peaceable Kingdom

summer begins to fade

The Cornwallis River and Port Williams

Welcome to the Garden Room

another point of view

View from Forest Hill Rd, Gaspereau

Luckett Vineyards

into the blue

Pine View Inn Fire

The Garden Room


august over the dykes

boughing to nature

down to the river

the road not yet taken

the sandra leanne

Kentville, NS

january thaw

sown by the wind

green & gold

the rising tide


back to the fields

New Minas, NS

just over the edge

spring path

Same Vineyard Early Summer

small falls

twilight over the minas basin