A Pelican Carrying twigs into the nest

Indian Pelican in Full Spread

Andaman Exp.

Early morning dew on Euphorbia milli

Firecracker flowers

A Painted Stork Flying Over a Pelican

Painted Stork - a Furtive Look

Painted Stork

Painted Stork in Flight

Pelican in a Turn

Pelican Wings in Full Spread

Painted Stork - Landing onto a nest

A Pelican landing in the water

A Pelican Taking Off

An Indian Pond Heron

An Indian Pond Heron

A Spot Billed Pelican Taking Off

This man is the most interesting man in India #fact . #India #incredibleindia #travel #travelindia #facesofindia #mostinterestingmanintheworld #mostinterestingmaninindia #streetphotography

If there was ever a picture of small town #India this is it. #incredibleindia #travelindia #travel #cargobike #cycling #bicycle #just10steps #justtensteps

The Indian countryside is prettier than this photo would suggest #India #incredibleindia #motorcycle #twowheelsandsunshine #motolife #just10steps #justtensteps

A tidy #workshop says a lot about a man. For perspective, the shop wasn't much wider than the door way. #India #incredibleindia #justtensteps #just10steps