The City That Never Sleeps

NY Waterway

Gray Catbird

George Washington Bridge, NYC

Columbia University, NYC

White-throated Sparrow

White-throated Sparrow

Autumn Hernshead (P1190039-1_40-2_41-3_42-4_43-5_tonemapped)

San Remo

tulips & tree

The George Washington Bridge & Red Lighthouse

666 Park Avenue

The View of 110th Street

View from corner of Broadway and W 122nd Street, NYC

Guardians of the gods : Chris Lupetti Photography

Losing consciousness of the outer things

S Curve

Palm Warbler

Gray Catbird

Gray Catbird

Snow on the brownstones - winter in New York

Now I know Spring had arrive. 才覺春曉

Central Park Geese

Hudson River, NYC, on a hazy afternoon

The first shot this morning 早起的風光

Central park boats

The Ravine

Para: Ana e Beto ...

Walk In The Park...

West Side Story

New York skyline and East River

Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Bridge

Nature Is Food For The Soul

New York Botanical Gardens

Adopt A Bench

Quiet before the Storm at the Sailboat Pond

Harlem Meer (P1190286-1_7-2_8-3_tonemapped)

Central Park


Bank Rock Bay (P1190633-1_4-2_5-3_6-4_7-5_tonemapped)

Magic woods ...

Manhattan ~ New York City ~ Looking West ~ Old Film