View from my Aunt Pam and Uncle Jim's lake house

Our evening view last night. #wattsbarlake #Tennessee

Disc 235 053

Disc 235 067

Disc 226 287

#SmokeOnTheWater morning #fog burning off. #Tennessee #WattsBarLake pre#Hootenanny

Disc 226 190

Cows in the Country

Disc 229 023

Disc 226 018


Sweetwater TN

Disc 226 192

Main channel outside of entrance to Blue Springs. Beautiful.

Happy Hollow Farm

At Watts Bar Lake

Happy Hollow Farm, Oakland Road, Sweetwater, Tennessee, 2-15-2003

Disc 235 036

Perfect weather all week and what a perfect ending - a beautiful sunset. #wbl #vacation

Stable Living

Disc 213 291

#Tennessee #WattsBar #SandIsland still summer

2015-07-14 09.49.20