2014/365/295 Can See Awesome From Here

Mount Saint Helens

The Largest Egg in the World

The Coffee Cabin

the view from Lacey Rha's Cafe (in the heart of Castle Rock)

The 49er

Memorials (PDX to Victoria)

The Rooster Overlord sees all!

this is my preferred view of I-5

Warehouse wreckage

Run thru the forest!

The woods.

Run thru the forest!

#Washington #State

Tree people

Fozzie facing Mt St Helens (not shown)

Abernathy Creek in Winter

Abernathy Creek 2012-08-30 229

In the Land of Tiny Ponies

Abernathy Creek in Winter Two

South Military Road.

Amazing What One Little Tree Can Do

In the Land of Tiny Ponies

Geoff's crash site.

Roadside falls

Fish dead

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St. Helens

Washington 20141221

20150320-1137-00047-20150320-21 Geocache Trip

Forest Decay