Evening glory over Phoenix

'cleared to land'

Birds eye view

sunset over Phoenix Valley

Z7_5980 Golden Eagle

Phoenix Mountain Park

Phoenix AZ ~ morning magic hour

_DSC5316e ~ Cactus Flower

_DSC5320e ~ Cactus Flowers

That's Pink

Anatomy Of A Sunset

#29/117 Less than perfect - 117 pictures in 2017

Indian School Panorama

A Contemporary Stonehenge

Z7_5327 Lion

Rank And File

The Exceedingly Rare and Extraordinarily Fragile Air-Berry Bush

It's A Small Skyline After All

McDowell Mountain Wilderness

Good Morning, Scottsdale

Snowbird Arrival

Sunset Reflections

interesting nature - Arizona

hiking trails, foothills, and rough rock off Shea Rd in east Phoenix

US airways A-320 short final Phoenix

'Contact Phoenix departure 119.2 See-ya!'

Arizona Sunset

Phoenix AZ ~ Yellow Bells

Morning in the McDowells

City Park

Phoenix AZ ~ desert landscaping

Spring bee

hiking trails, foothills, and rough rock off Shea Rd in east Phoenix

Hole in the Rock

Arizona sunset

Camelback Mountain

SkySong - Arizonas newest shade structure...

Arizona desert