Faux Lunar Eclipse

Birmingham, Alabama

Vulcan's right foot

Linn Park @ Night

Morris Avenue - Birmingham, Alabama usa. Downtown Historic District.

View From My Dirty Amtrak Window

the magic city

Some of Downtown Birmingham

Church HDR

Not a bad view

Alabama Theater

Sloss Furnaces Silhouette

Blast Furnace 1 Silhoute

Japanese Garden HDR

Alabama Theatre / Alabama Theater / Birmingham

Entrance To The Gardens, Birmingham Botanical Gardens, AL 2007

Alabama Theater - Organ Chamber

View from the Viaduct

Purple Coneflower HDR

Memento Markham

Vulcan's View [explore 2-2-14]


During the deluge #oakhillcemetery

Chip off the ole block

Redigging the Well

Old Mill, Mountain Brook, Alabama

Cherry Blossoms

White to green

A walk at TCNP

"Darkness Looms" An interesting scene, as old, abandoned structures stand their ground against an impending storm. They get wet, crack, have paint peeled off, may even lose a board or two, and yet, ...they remain standing. How strong are we to withstand

#Foggy #Mountain Breakdown - h2930 #Explore

Y favorite dogwood

Signed up for a ticket lottery, won front row seats at #BookofMormon this is wayy too cool! If anyone has a message they'd like me to ask the conductor, just leave a comment below! ????????????????????:point_dow

Birmingham :)

downtown bhm

@owsley9 was holding the wheel.

Gulf Fritillary Feeding on Lantana

Ensley mixer

ruffner mountain
