Perdido Pass Bridge Sunrise - Orange Beach, Alabama

Easy Ryder

Pensacola Lighthouse & Museum - Naval Air Station Pensacola - Pensacola, Florida

The Lady of the Sea

"Holding on to anger, resentment and hurt only gives you tense muscles, a headache and a sore jaw from clenching your teeth. Forgiveness gives you back the laughter and the lightness in your life". ~ Joan Lunden

Worn Cat

Attacking Angles

Fort Pickens - Gulf Islands Nat'l Seashore, Florida

Pensacola Pass - NAS Pensacola, Florida

View of Fort PIckens, near Pensacola

View from upper deck, Fort PIckens

Vanishing Point

To The Beach

The Miss E - Orange Beach, Alabama

Warm Front approaching

Pensacola Lighthouse, Pensacola, Florida

Florida Sunrise

Pensacola Lighthouse - Naval Air Station Pensacola - Pensacola, Florida

Fort Pickens

Fate Took It's Course

Lost for words

Sunset Heron

Heron Sittin'

Last day of summer, Rokinon 10mm F11

Orange beach

Bayou Grande Sunrise

Golden Sunrise

Bayou Grande Sunset - GalaxyS7

Cellulose Soldiers

View of Orange Beach

Johnsons Beach Sunset

My current view #pensacola #beach #perdidobay #beach #punkrockwhitetrash #family

Blue Angels - NAS Pensacola, Florida

_DSC3270_NAS Pensacola Lighthouse: taken from Fort Pickens

ET eats an apple

The Oyster Bar

Sand Catcher

Time Matters Not


gilded timing

Vista Del mar