El sexo vende

Image from page 408 of "The earth and its inhabitants .." (1894)

Massai The Lion Hunter Warrior People

Image from page 134 of "The Times history of the war" (1914)

Image from page 118 of "In wildest Africa : the record of a hunting and exploration trip through Uganda, Victoria Nyanza, the Kilimanjaro region and British East Africa, with an account of an ascent of the snowfields of Mount Kibo, in East Central Africa,

Image from page 144 of "The Times history of the war" (1914)

Image from page 274 of "In wildest Africa : the record of a hunting and exploration trip through Uganda, Victoria Nyanza, the Kilimanjaro region and British East Africa, with an account of an ascent of the snowfields of Mount Kibo, in East Central Africa,

Image from page 437 of "Africa and its inhabitants" (1899)

Image taken from page 110 of 'Usambara und seine Nachbargebiete. Allgemeine Darstellung der nordöstlichen Deutsch-Ostafrika und seiner Bewohner, etc. [With illustrations and maps.]'

Image from page 22 of "Tra Mez-Afriko. A travers l'Afrique centrale. Parolado kun projekcioj donita al la dua Universala kongreso d'Esperanto, en Genevo, je la sabato la de septembro 1906a, conférence avec projections donnée au 2me Congrès universel d'

Image from page 1088 of "A pronouncing gazetteer and geographical dictionary of the Philippine Islands, United States of America with maps, charts and illustrations" (1902)

The Snow Saddle Mountain, Kangtega

Image from page 83 of "Africa rediviva. Or, The occupation of Africa by Christian missionaries of Europe and North America" (1891)

Image from page 174 of "In wildest Africa : the record of a hunting and exploration trip through Uganda, Victoria Nyanza, the Kilimanjaro region and British East Africa, with an account of an ascent of the snowfields of Mount Kibo, in East Central Africa,

Image from page 322 of "In wildest Africa : the record of a hunting and exploration trip through Uganda, Victoria Nyanza, the Kilimanjaro region and British East Africa, with an account of an ascent of the snowfields of Mount Kibo, in East Central Africa,

Image from page 81 of "Africa rediviva. Or, The occupation of Africa by Christian missionaries of Europe and North America" (1891)

Panoramic view of a beach in Pangani, Tanzania

Lushoto, Tanzania

Image from page 878 of "Appleton's annual cyclopedia and register of important events: embracing political, military, an ecclesiastical affairs; public documents; biography, statistics, commerce, finance, literature, science, agriculture, and mechanical i



Hippos. Moremi Game Reserve, Botswana wildlife. Africa. 2011

Hippos. Hippos submerged in water. Botswana Safari. Africa MOREMI GAME RESERVE. 2011.

Beach along the East African coast

Tanzanian Tea Estate at Amani in the Eastern Usambaras

Sisal field

Sisal plants

Sisal field

Hippos. Moremi Game Reserve, Botswana Wildlife. Africa. 2011

Mlalo VIllage where a large bridge protects the road from frequent flash flooding

Lushoto Mts, Tanga Region, TZ

Lushoto Mts, Tanga Region, TZ

Moa Village where the temporary bridge is moved as water levels rise and fall

Forages in Tanzania: making trade-offs

Forages in Tanzania: making trade-offs