Tipula longiventris, California - Hollywood Quad, St. Mary's County, MD, 2017_0520

Prionocyphon limbatus, California - Hollywood Quad, St. Mary's County, MD, 2017_0501

Dawn (Let it Be)

Waterfront view

Ophion sp., Hollywood Quad - California, St. Mary's County, MD, 2017_0208

Scenic 004

StMarys City


345:365 Master Godiah's View

Banded Hickory Borer (Knulliana cincta), California - Hollywood Quad, St. Mary's County, MD, 2017_0411

F9F-8 Cougar Nose Probe

Interior, Cordea's Hope


F-4J Phantom II Rear View

S-2 Tracker Prop


View from "our spot"

E-2 Hawkeye 2

St Ignatius

Historic St. Mary's City - View of the St. Mary's River from the Maryland Dove

Calm morning

Morning Fog on the Potomac at St. George Island

The waiting lot.

How many days?

Fog Shrouded Tree

only halfway

St. Mary's River


Sunset on St. Mary's River

Historic St. Mary's City - Van Sweringen's Inn

Sunset 01 - looking SW across Potomac River - St Georges Island Maryland - 2012-01-14

Old House

Sunrise 02 - looking E across St George Creek - St Georges Island Maryland - 2012-01-15

Sunrise - Island Inn - St Georges Island MD

Sunset - St Georges Island MD - 2012-01-14

Sunset on St. Mary’s River, St. Mary’s City, Maryland (USA) - March 2014

Looking N across St George Creek - St Georges Island Maryland - 2012-01-15

St. Mary's Lake

Sunset on St. Mary’s River, St. Mary’s City, Maryland (USA) - March 2014

Sunrise 03 - looking E across St George Creek - St Georges Island Maryland - 2012-01-15

lightning over Chesepeak Bay

not quite ready to let go...