漩 _IMG_8090

左岸碧潭 Bitan Suspension Bridge / Taipei, Taiwan

桶后瀑布 Shindian, Taiwan _IMG_2019

晨涼 _IMG_7970

晨涼 _IMG_7976

內洞晨光。內洞瀑布。信賢瀑布。內洞溪。內洞斜射光。娃娃谷 Neidong, Taiwan Forest Recreation _IMG_2638

(豁然? )惑然之境 ~新店,直潭淨水場 Dawn of Jhihtan Water Purification Plant~

熱情盛放 Blooming Passion ~新店,直潭淨水場 Dawn of Jhihtan Water Purification Plant~

Roof view - highway bridge, tunnel and river. Night shot long exposure HDR

Roof view - highway and river. Night shot long exposure HDR

夜寐茶房 之 鐵觀音拿鐵 ~新店,直潭淨水場 Night Exposure of Jhihtan Water Purification Plant~

Photo Model @ Ying Ge Old Street

闇慟 ~新店,直潭淨水場 Dawn of Jhihtan Water Purification Plant~

台灣山毛櫸。北插天山 Taiwan Beech, Fagus hayatae, Taiwan _IMG_2888


Waterlily, NTU Experimental Farm │ June 12, 2011

還有一點點的慵懶 ~新店,直潭淨水場 Dawn of Jhihtan Water Purification Plant~

Dancing party tonight.

Waterlily, NTU Experimental Farm │ June 12, 2011

碧潭夜影 Bitan Night / Taipei, Taiwan

Reaching The Ring

再訪 。 阿玉溪

In splendor 就是那個光

Magical Rays 神光降臨


Sleeping with Fog 望外遙山宿霧輕

鏡 反射



Cold Current 天寒霧雨正霏微

Foggy Taipei 雲暗春山霧壓城

期待 ~新店,(舊)台大安康農改場 Paddy field~


Raindrops on cobweb

Neidong Upper-level Waterfall