北海星雨 North Coast, Taiwan _IMG_9557_9579

拱北殿 Sijhih, Taiwan _IMG_1863

Park 碧湖公園

振衣千仞岡。濯足萬里流 YangmingShan, Taiwan _IMG_9719

青春的彼岸 ~ Night Aerial View of Taipei city @ The Tough guy Ridge 觀音山硬漢嶺~

客家跨堤平台 Hakka Cross-Dike Platform, Taipei

月光下共舞 Dancing in the moonlight _IMG_7324

大屯山琉璃雲海 DatunShan, Taiwan_IMG_9724

麗夜正起 ~Night view @ 台北市,信義區 Xinyi metropolitan District , Taipei~

碧潭夜影 Bitan Night / Taipei, Taiwan

Pano View 日暮黃雲千里昏

今夜重陽橋 Chong-Yang Bridge / Taipei, Taiwan

林口仁愛觀景台 - 台北夜景

Under full moon

雨季裡的福安夏夜 Shezi / Taipei, Taiwan

Roof view - highway bridge, tunnel and river. Night shot long exposure HDR

景在大稻埕 Dadaocheng Wharf / Taipei, Taiwan

Solar eclipse

觀音山硬漢嶺 Yinghan Peak, Taiwan _IMG_6022

street spirit

The lake around my home 臺北碧湖公園

活力之晨。大屯 Sunrise DatunShan, Taiwan _IMG_7393

Taipei 101,Taiwan


大稻埕碼頭 Dadaocheng Wharf, Taipei

Da-Hwu Park,Taipei,Taiwan

社子島福安碼頭 Shezi, Taipei

Colour of City 城市色彩

The Explosion , the Sunset .



Lets breath some greenshower 來去吸吸芬多精

期待 ~新店,(舊)台大安康農改場 Paddy field~


2014.8.15 忠孝碼頭日出晨彩

brilliant rays


Sometimes you just have to pick yourself up and carry on~


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