Metropolitan Night

2014 國慶煙火在台中 Double Ten Celebration in Taichung _IMG_6350

飛墨行舞草悟道 - Night view of Calligraphy Greenway - Taichung City

台中大肚山 - DaDu mountain of Taichung City

Found | Taiwan

國道3號龍井段 - Highway No.3 - Lungjing, Taichung City

望高寮夜色 - Night view of Taichung City from Wang Gao Liao

Woman in red lingerie

Welcome to the NIGHT

Romantic Night

飛墨行舞草悟道 - Night view of Calligraphy Greenway - Taichung City

國道3號龍井段 - Cars trails on Highway No.3 (Formosa freeway) - Lungjing, Taichung City

台中市 夏綠地綠園道 - Summer Green Park Road of Taichung City


蝶飛夢舞 - Flying butterfly

台中市 夏綠地綠園道 - Summer Green Park Road of Taichung City

台中市 夏綠地綠園道 - Summer Green Park Road of Taichung City

#streetview #view #taichung #taiwan #cloudy

Now Comes the Night

豐樂雕塑公園 - 台中市 - Fengle Sculpture Park(Fromlove New World) - Taichung City


Taichung country scenery (泰安鄉村風情)

Sunrise / 甦醒中的大坑

highway intersection

sea of clouds

a little bit red

Gaomei on fire

Joys at Gaomei Wetland

Rainbows and Anticrepuscular rays

Dawn (後山晨光)

City Lights

Sunrise (大坑晨光)

rainbows in the dark

golden clouds

Sunrise @ Gao-Mei Wetlands

ChingShuei Interchange

Tropical Rainforest Greenhouse of the National Museum of Natural Science

urban night

Kaomei wetland

台灣欒樹 - Taiwan Goldenrain tree