Elcombe, Wroughton.jpg

Pagoda at dawn

Royal International Air Tattoo 2014

Down to the wire

Springtime view from...

Brambling (Fringilla montifringilla)

‘An Italian Job’ (see description)

E-6B Mercury

c1885: A view of New Swindon

The Ridgeway

Royal International Air Tattoo 2012

Comin' at ya!

May The Force be with you

Ukrainian Air Force

‘Temporary Golden Temple’ (see description)

"Guts Airline"

Hawker Hunter

Take My Hand HDR

... Fish eye view ...

Emperor Dragonfly (Anax imperator) ♂ dorsal view.

Emperor Dragonfly (Anax imperator) ♀ dorsal view.

Lots of weather around today!

Ashton Keynes CC

The Manger at White Horse Hill

Lydiard House, Swindon

Lechlade Floods

Moving Pictures, Silent Films

The Butterfly

Grey Wagtail

Summer Sunrise

Green fields at last

Marsh Fritillary (Euphydryas aurinia) side view.

Framed - Winner Cricklade Winter 2015 Competition

Dawn on Thames

Hackpen Hill< Marlborough Downs

Uffington Manger Sunset

Heading home after a week away..

A wave from Wiltshire

Walking the Ridgeway

Wootton Bassett 3

Dappled Ridgeway