Front view looking south

Side view looking west




Casey Jones Railroad Museum Station, Vaughan MS

Meet Sam Simmons - v6c

Oak Grove Church

Casey Jones Bell, Vaughan MS

Casy Jones Historical Marker (Vaughan MS)

Mobile & Ohio RR Schedule Bulletin Board, Vaughan MS

Tennessee & New Orleans 0-6-0, No. 841, Vaughan MS

Benton Marker (Benton, Mississippi)

Post Office 39039 (Benton, Mississippi)

Bridgforth 1788-1851

Emily's wedding cake

I-55 Sunset

Funeral mourner - v220

Female Funeral Mouner - v195

Casual Beauty - h188cc

Walking away from the gravesite - v184

Awaiting the burial - h172c

The Preacher - v136

Teary-eyed - h133c

Sorrowful - v128c

Weeping & Comforting - v116c