November Sunrise

Spokane Portland and Seattle 700 Departing

View out the front window on a rainy night

A Child's View of the Playground

We got kicked out of the local park for being off-leash by Park Rangers. The next closest gated, off-leash park on the Portland Parks & Recreation list of places to go was an extra 80 blocks away, but well worth the surprise view of Mt. St. Helens. #NYTvo

SP&S 700 Big Steam Locomotive!

view of a bench with a view

The view from the bottom as we set out. #nofilter

A Weather Walked In

balancing act

Rub the Sleep From Your Eyes

they're back...

the last day of August

Views To Be Had

So lucky to have friends @jess_pdx and @hinespdx (sbka* @HinesBeLike) to go out randomly hunting for city views on a lark. * = should be known as

Bridge construction continues on the East set of towers.-Explore

best view in the house

Four views of a elm tree at sunrise (or: The Walk-Around)

Diagonal Dots 7

they think like me, cool...

River view

When I first saw an image of this place by Chip Phillips I said to myself I had to get there. When I finally found myself standing there after drawing on my years of map reading and navigation skills and getting through the narrow gorge with chest deep fr

Elk Rock island park,OR,USA


Urban Jungle

Sandy River in May

First light probes the Columbia River crossing

Competing Interests

Tree around the block from me

Summer of Matt

Snow-capped moon-rise

il fiume va (sa dove andare)

Lunchtime stroll

The leafiest train tracks on earth

A walk in the woods

Joint Landscape with Sensetive Approach

Mt. Hood seen from the top of Powell Butte.

These are tall trees. See the people walking on the trail in front of me? They look tiny!

Walk along the Willamette

This used to be a dump

Give me comatose joy like rerun T.V.