View from Bradford Creek Greenway, Madison, Alabama

Palpada furcata

Flash lily - Best if viewed LARGE

NS 325

u s mail

Triorla interrupta

White-banded Crab Spider - Misumenoides formosipes

Eristalis dimidiata

trio of water beetles

Mayfly of genus Hexagenia (subimago) 3

View from the roof

Clip-wing Grasshopper - Metaleptea brevicornis


coffee part deux

16. Peace on Earth

two water beetles

White-banded Crab Spider - Misumenoides formosipes

Pearl Crescent - Phyciodes tharos

Baldcypress - Taxodium distichum

White-banded Crab Spider - Misumenoides formosipes

Armored Pygmy Grasshopper - Tettigidea armata

Decatur Sunset

Sunlit Pink Something or Others

Habitat roots

Dreams of Delano

American Beech - Fagus grandifolia

Air Conditioned - Color TV -- No Vacancy

Mid Day Cloud Porn

Baldcypress - Taxodium distichum, 900th posted photo from Wheeler NWR, Decatur, AL

Sunbeams Thru the Canopy

Delano Park Bridge Study I

Rural landscape

Green green swamp

Beaverdam Creek water tupelos - Wheeler National Wildlife Refuge

Tupelo swamp, Wheeler National Wildlife Refuge, Alabama

Late Afternoon on the Boardwalk

Tupelo swamp, Wheeler National Wildlife Refuge, Alabama

365 - 207 Sunrise Cloud Porn

reflecting pool

Fields of yellow and skies of blue.

Long shadows