A Soft Transference

We are not alone.

Out of Nowhere

cityscape two

best view in the house

lady buggin

Portland Tram/South Waterfront Portland Oregon

Marquam's Nightlife

Spokane Portland and Seattle 700 Departing

Douglas Fir cones

Spokane Portland And Seattle 700 at Oaks Park

Portland Aerial Tram

My lunch view -- Fir Acres Estate Gardens

Ravine view

Ross Island Bridge, study 8

Lunch view of the Willamette River. Care to join me?

#willamettefalls from above Oregon City. This view will be gone soon once they tear down the abandoned lumber mill and redevelop this into retail. #progressnotprogress #americana #dyingbreed

Fish fountain -- my lunch view at the Fir Acres Estate Gardens

S. Waterfront Condos- diorama style

upside down trees

Portland, Oregon

... late afternoon sun brightens the tall weeds [in urban wetlands] ...

Hole #4

Sauntering around wild Portland

Morning light, Marquam forest

River Life

The pond by the river

Sun, field, magnolia

Big Sky


All of my ducks..err geese..in a row (Explore 12/10/13)

Willamette Falls

Urban Nature, Small-Scale

A do-over of an old muse

Elk Rock island park,OR,USA

Fall is here.

The Sellwood Bridge

Mysterious Lights of Tryon Creek

Bridge at the Pond

Muddy Snow

Ross Island Foggy Sunrise

Rape Fields of Devon