Smith Rock

Crooked River at Smith Rock

Smith Rock - Redmond View

Peter Skene Ogden Park

The Southern Tip

To be free is to have achieved your life…

Smith Rock & Sunset

To affect the quality of the day, that is the highest of arts…

Smith Rock State Park

Darkness on the edge

Smith Rock

Sunset at Smith Rock State Park - HDR

Monkey Face

the bend

Smith Rock with a View

The Bridge between a Rock and a Hard Place

Diminutive and Crooked River Bridge

Dragon Spine

Monkey Face

Walk while ye have the light, lest darkness come upon you…

Smith Rock State Park

Smith Rosk State Park, Oregon

Smith Rock State Park

Way Up Early

Catching the Light II

Billy Chinook Falls

Smith Rock State Park

Smith Rock at Sunset

Smith Rock Sunrise

Dawn at Smith Rock

Shooting Monkeyface

Smith Rock

As the Light Fades

The purpose of life is a life of purpose…

Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible…

Nature scarcely ever gives us the very best; for that we must have recourse to art…

Crooked River Gorge