Grandview Drive

ICG #8125 Pekin, Illinois

Locks of Love 01032017: Explored #294

Peoria from 1.83

Grandview Shelf

Peoria Lake Lightning

After the Ice Storm

TP&W 1000 and Friends

Thin Blue Line

Illinois' Wildlife Prairie State Park

Peoria Skyline Strike

Red, White and Boom

Another view of the stones

Elevated Train Sky View 01172015

Fawn in the woods

IC/CN at Pekin, Illinois Tower

Country at Twilight 05102015

Great Horned Owl

Illinois River Lightning

Bear Sliding Series - this is fun

TP&W Chief Dispatcher


Mouth of the Whale

Autumn Wonderland


Snow in Peoria

Nitrogen Enriched

the glimmering path

Peoria Skyline Et Cetera

Cool Breeze

Spring Green

Sunset Through Flooded Trees

Early Fall Colors

the way is shut

the hum

the roaring silence

Twilight From the Dam

Static Charge

Peoria, Illinois at dusk

Peoria Lake Sunrise