Balancing Act

Pretty Please….?!?!?!?!?

Stink Eye

The Riviera and Saint Tropez condominiums, 2743-45 First Street, Fort Myers, Florida, USA / Built: 2007 / Floors: 24-27 / Architect: Fugleberg Koch Architects / Architectural style: Postmodernism

No way, Dude!

Harriet has a big heart.

A great start_9510

North Star Yacht Club, 3420 Hancock Bridge Pkwy, North Fort Myers, Florida, USA / Built: 1985 / Bldgs: 2 / Floors: 12

Winter in Cape Coral

Shadow of my mind.

Lazy afternoon blues

Blue hole on a mostly grey day.

I love a foggy morning.

2 Chairs

He smiled at her, She smiled at him--and the clouds cleared - 2014-11-01 at 07-35-39

EEEeek! A pesky photographer!

The Stoic

The perfect viewing point 500_7389.jpg

Balancing Act II

Master of all I Survey!

When you got an itch....

Morning after the tornado

Cold Morning 9697

Morning coffee time.

Florida Life: Night Befalls The City

Pantone sky 2016

Rainbow sunset - 2014-05-15 at 17-42-54

winter bluez

Catch a morning flight

Morning in paradise

Beautiful, good morning. Or is it Good Morning, Beautiful.

Good Night 9208

Lets Fish

Birds, Cape Coral

Sunset in December in FL

This Morning 9243

Angry 9235

The storm is passing

Florida Life: All Quiet On The Western Front

Yuuuup, stormy day today