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Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino, 1 Seminole Way, Hollywood, Florida, USA

Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino, 1 Seminole Way, Hollywood, Florida, USA

N919AT FLL 24-11-2013

White-winged Parakeet-PP-6654

Burrowing Owl-DP-3254

Red-shouldered Hawk-MP-3839

19609 • Farewell FLL (N817NA)

Northern Cardinal-MP-4548

Downy Woodpecker-female-MP-7843

White-eyed Vireo-MP-6132

Mare Crisium

Tim Tebow BCS Pre-game, BCS 2008 National Championship Florida vs. Oklahoma 2009/01/08

Stadium Hotel, 21485 NW 27th Avenue, Miami Gardens, Florida, USA / Built: 1974 / Floors: 9 / Height: 109.77 ft / Structural Material: Concrete / Architectural Style: Postmodernism

Gassendi, Mare Humorum

[ PR-AIW ] Azul Linhas Aereas

Stadium Hotel, 21485 NW 27th Avenue, Miami Gardens, Florida, USA / Built: 1974 / Floors: 9 / Height: 109.77 ft / Structural Material: Concrete / Architectural Style: Postmodernism

Rima Hesiodus & Pitatus Crater

the climb

Swallow-tailed Kite-PP-9756

Brown Thrasher-PP-0573

Everglades at Dusk

El Chamán - ( The Shaman ).

Still There...

Textures of Nature

Soul Within Soul

MDD MD-83 N832NK

Sea of Crises and Sea of Fertility - Panorama

Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino, 1 Seminole Way, Hollywood, Florida, USA

Life and Death LE

Rima Hesiodus, Pitatus, lunar domes and more...

City of Fort Lauderdale, Broward County, Florida, USA

Air time

Miami Gardens Municipal Complex, Public Safety Building, 18605 NW 27th Avenue, Miami Gardens, Florida, USA / Built: 2014 / Floors: 2

Miami Gardens Municipal Complex, Public Safety Building, 18605 NW 27th Avenue, Miami Gardens, Florida, USA / Built: 2014 / Floors: 2

Miami Gardens Municipal Complex, City Hall Building & Public Safety Building, 18605 NW 27th Avenue, Miami Gardens, Florida, USA / Built: 2014 / Floors: 2 & 3

City of Fort Lauderdale, Broward County, Florida, USA

Miami Gardens Municipal Complex, Public Safety Building, 18605 NW 27th Avenue, Miami Gardens, Florida, USA / Built: 2014 / Floors: 2

Miami Gardens Municipal Complex, City Hall Building & Public Safety Building, 18605 NW 27th Avenue, Miami Gardens, Florida, USA / Built: 2014 / Floors: 2 & 3

My backyard and 100 degrees

Miami Gardens Municipal Complex, City Hall Building & Public Safety Building, 18605 NW 27th Avenue, Miami Gardens, Florida, USA / Built: 2014 / Floors: 2 & 3