30775 Sorsele Gipperavan from camping

Nalovardo, utsikt mot Vindelälven

Reindeer along the E45 in Sweden.

Lappland, Schweden

30722 Sorsele Sorsele camping

Angelina & Selma

30258 Sorsele - Sweden - Window with Sami - Sorsele Church

30260 Sorsele - Sweden - Church

Y1 1348 + Y1 1328 IBAB - Sorsele (SWE) - 2013/06

Inlandsbahn - Zugkreuzung

Alice Ström

Inlandsbanan - Sorsele

Inlandsbanan - Sorsele

Inlandsbanan - Sorsele

Inlandsbanan - Sorsele