Mute Swan In Flight (Panorama Style)

Bike Ride View

Wallkill River Owen's Station Crossing_6379-6382

Waywayanda State Park_16179

Halloween Penant

Waywayanda Evening_8859

The Warmth of the Sun

Waywayanda Evening_4883

Painted Skimmer

View at brunch

View from 'Stairway To Heaven' trail.

Passaic Collection 1 w/SW-UV

Yetters Diner

Eastern Pondhawk

Sunset on Sunrise Mountain

Waywayanda Sunset Panorama_6294-6299

Waywayanda Evening_8860

Hamburg NJ Fire Department_5968

Waywayanda Evening_4880

View From Lewisburg Road

First Full moon of the Spring Season. I was waiting for the moon to rise sitting on my parents front porch. camera poised on tripod, telephoto lens attached with a great point of view. This shot was one of the gems of the moon itself, so i uploaded, proce

Wallkill River Owen's Station Crossing_6385-6387

Waywayanda Sunset_6250

Waywayanda Sunset_10804 (Explored! 01-15-2015)

Living Up To Your Reputation

Waywayanda Evening_3739

Waywayanda State Park_8859

Tobacco Sunrise :::Explored:::

Putting It All Together

By the Millions

Waywayanda Evening_3725

Waywayanda Evening_3724

Road through the foggy fall colors

Sunflower Field, Brodhecker Farm

Yellow and red trees on an island

Sweet Sunflower Sunset

Sunflower Sunday

late at night, we ramble

Me, mother nature, and my camera, the only animate beings in the frozen landscape

Franklin Pond 8