Slightly Disheveled [Explored#8]

Sunset in Downtown Paramaribo, Suriname

Downtown Paramaribo in the twilight... Suriname

Narrow-billed Wood Creeper

Cloudy with a touch of rainbow [Explored#4]

A view of the Almighty Surinam River

An adult Black-collared Hawk (Busarellus nigricollis)...vocalizing its feelings...and it's not happy

Bergendal Resort in Surinam and its Adventure Center with a fluvial beach

539 - Bigi Pan

TROPICAL MOCKINGBIRD Mimus gilvus Eating Cactus Fruit at the Bosque Protector Jerusalem in Northern ECUADOR. Photo by Peter Wendelken.

DUSKY-CAPPED FLYCATCHER Myiarchus tuberculifer in Mindo in Northwestern ECUADOR. Photo by Peter Wendelken.

TROPICAL MOCKINGBIRD Mimus gilvus at the Bosque Protector Jerusalem in Northern ECUADOR. Photo by Peter Wendelken.

ill never forget this view, flying over the jungle of suriname, above the clouds in a small airplane, it was awesome!

TROPICAL MOCKINGBIRD Mimus gilvus Gathering Nest Material at the Bosque Protector Jerusalem in Northern ECUADOR. Photo by Peter Wendelken.

View over the River

Backyard view in the morning, during sunrise.

River View

538 - Peperpot View

River View

Braniff International DC-8-62H N1809E


330 yr old Palmentuin

Cocoi Heron (Ardea cocoi)

A beautiful end of day


Valente and Juma fighting...

~ River View ~

Huế VN - Water buffalo

Ixora, Jungle Geranium, Chisec, Guatemala

Cattle Egret at at Le Parc Ornithologique de Pont de Gau at Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer, France, Carmargue, Southern France - April 2016

Female Scarlet Peacock

River Clouds

Motorized Canoe

Ferulassi Rapids

Sea Wave, Andicuri Bay, Aruba 11

Johanna Margaretha

Upper Suriname River

Bersaba Suriname

Striated Heron (Butorides striata)

The characteristic wooden drawbridge in Zuiderwoude