Snail Kite Landing

Sunrise over Lake Hancock

Florida Polytechnic University

Sunset Over Marsh at Circle B Bar Reserve

A Bench Along the Trail @ Circle B Bar Reserve

Snail Kite Landing Looking for a Parking Space at Sunset

Purple Gallinule Landing

Snail Kite Inflight at Sunset

1957 GMC Palomino P/U - Recently sold for $180,000.00 !

Annie Pfeiffer Chapel at Florida Southern [HDR study #2]

Limpkin (Aramus guarauna)

His Spirit Shined Brightly

View of downtown Lakeland, Polk County, Florida, USA

CSX Q235 at Kathleen, Fl

1977 Ford F600 Custom Cab Dump Truck - Lakeland Florida U.S.A.

Brown Anole [Explored]

I think we're a little low...someone check our altitude!

Limpkin Chicks and Mommy

Newborn Portrait Mute Swan Cygnats

1939 Bantam Pickup

Gators in the Morn....

Tree on the Lakeshore

Abandoned Pier

Florida Southern College

Drainage Canal to Lake Parker

Spanish Moss on Live Oaks

Circle B Ranch 1-15-10

A Tree @ Circle B Bar Reserve

Flying Limpkin

Great Blue Heron Watching the Dawn on Lake Hancock

On the way to Sun 'n Fun International Fly-In and Expo

Prairie Warbler

Sandhill Crane (Grus canadensis)

Chamber of Commerce Kind of Day...

Fuzzy Sunset Afterglow

Dock in the lake

Lake Sunset rose

Another morning at Lake Hollingsworth.

Live oak trees

True silence is the rest of the mind; it is to the spirit what sleep is to the body, nourishment and refreshment. ~William Penn