Petroleum Barges going downriver

Eastern Towhee (View Large)

Pine Warbler. View Large.

Surprise In The Tree

Cedar Waxing drinking

Prothonotary Warbler (view large)

Pine warbler (you can view large ????????)

Clouds across the Ohio River

Prairie Warbler

Prairie Warbler

View from O'Fallon Street

Pine Warbler (View Large)

Pileated woodpecker (View Large)

Prairie Warbler

Swamp Cicada (View large)

Swainson's Thrush

Lily and pollinator (View Large; Explore March 27 #490)

Prairie Warbler (EXPLORE, Apr 19 2020, #171)

Northern Harrier Hen (EXPLORE, Jan 5 2017, #246)

Mrs. Grackle (Explored, Aug 14, #268)

How To Take Out Two Classics

Fog on the Water

10-20-2016. East Fork State Park

View of Cincinnati And The Daniel Carter Beard Bridge (aka the “Big Mac Bridge”) From Newport On The Levee-00840

Morning Reflections


deck above stream by labyrinth


Avey’s Run · Detail

Push boat going down the Ohio River at sunrise.

Field sparrow

she said she knew the path like the back of her hand


Field Sparrow (EXPLORE, Oct. 20th, #88)



White throated Sparrow

Eastern meadowlark


USA Jet Airlines DC-9-32 N215US at KLUK

