Urban Moon Rise

View From A Window

Light trails and sunset

Warm morning sun after snow


Table for Two

Some people walk in the rain. Others just get wet.

"When I grow up, I want to be just like you..."

'Dress' for the Occasion

Ryan and Melissa at the Altar

Keep Detroit beautiful

A Large Parafoil with Line-Laundry Guys [9174Crop]

Sunrise on Maybury Pond

Window in the break room. Nice view, huh?

Newburgh Lake - Livonia, Michigan

Middle Rouge River - Plymouth, Michigan

Rainy Morning Over Southfield, Michigan | Hotel Window View

Dame's Rocket on Newburgh Lake Dam - Livonia, Mi.

skeleton key, or, Venus de ghetto

Sexy Ray and the Explorers

Nearly 360 view of Redford HS gym and track

Lonely Bench

Ice Cold Reflections

The Oak forest behind Nankin Lake - Westland, Michigan

Nature's cathedral - Holliday Park - Westland Michigan

Holliday Park - Westland, Michigan

Golf Course Still Working

Proud Lake State Recreation Area - Wixom, Michigan

Black Eyed Susan Flowers - First Responders Memorial - Livonia, Michigan

For Sale, New Hudson, MI, July, 2019

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Pond Hockey

Tree reflection on Wilcox Lake - Plymouth, Michigan

Into the woods - Holliday Park -Westland, Michigan

Nankin Lake - Westland, Michigan

Agfa-Ansco B2 Cadet Camera made in 1937 - Photo taken 5-18-2016 - Plymouth, Michigan

Plymouth Township Park - Plymouth, Michigan.

Dreary Day At The Park

Holliday Park Nature Preserve - Westland, Michigan

Fall color at Wilcox Lake - Hines Park - Plymouth, Mi.

Holliday Park Preserve - Westland, Michigan