Downtown Columbus

Columbus Flickr Meet Group Photo

So Close Yet So Far


Mossy Forest

Beautifully Horizontal

Stormclouds in HDR

Evening Sky in Columbus

The view outside my windshield. #OH #Sunset

Campus in Constant Flux

(22) Columbus, Ohio

My current view.

Day 205 - Colorful Getaway

December 26, 2012 - Photo 1 (Instagram)

Day 183 - That's the Spirit

1969 Dodge RT

Glowing LeVeque

Retired P-51 Mustang

A landscape interpretation of George Seurat's post impressionist painting "A Sunday afternoon on the ole de la Grande Jatte" rendered in sculpted views

Tied Down

1951 Oldsmobile Low Lead Sled

Sun in a Snow Puddle

Antrim Lake

Spring storm

Song Sparrow

Sunset at Scioto river

Fall is Here

At the park with @cappuccinofrosting & @krangus

Tree in Field

Ohio's Capital City

Sharon Woods 030

On a Road Near You...

Columbus Ohio Riverfront

A winter #sunset in the #woods. #bythehouse

I heart fall skies

Glen Echo Park

2015-07-25 08.41.28 1

Hayden Falls2

Ohio Central in Columbus, Ohio

Fall At Hayden Falls

Sharon Woods 029

Suburban Wasteland