Pleasant View Farm

The Reason Hyde Hall Was Built Here

Glimmerglass Opera House

The Reason Hyde Hall Was Built Here

The Reason Hyde Hall Was Built Here

chairs on the porch

life is strange, life is good, life is all that it should be

The Reason Hyde Hall Was Built Here

birch trees

Glimmerglass Opera

West Shore Railroad Bridge, Indian Castle, NY

stone house

Otsego Motel - East Springfield, New York

Window at Hyde Hall

Sunset Hill, 1923, by architect Dwight James Baum

Second story view into courtyard of Hyde Hall

Hyde Hall's southern porch

Fly Creek valley

lake view. . . .

Glimmerglass Opera House

Working farm with late summer fields in foreground

listen to the wind. . . .

Clouds In The Lake

Country Landscape

looks like rain. . . .

On The Other Side Of The Fence

Ice Fishing On Canadarago Lake

The Indian Castle Church

Out In The Country

Valley Brook Farm

Creamery Falls

Peace and Quiet

Creamery Falls

Saw Mill Falls

The Barn On The Hill-Plate 2

Otsego Lake, NY

Happily Lost

Things are happening

Otsego Lake, NY

Unterwegs von Herkimer nach Bar Harbor

fall color on Otsego Lake

Hyde Hall Covered Bridge the oldest existing Covered Bridge in the country. #iloveny #upstateny #coveredbridge #cooperstown