Christmas in Las Vegas

Sunrise of Red Rocks from Red Rocks

AMR Las Vegas and Las Vegas Fire & Rescue at Mountain View Hospital.

Las Vegas Fire & Rescue

Grand Canyon

A Vehicle Tent Mounted On A Truck Bed Cover Of A Chevy/GMC Silverado/Sierra

The Water Tower 1

U.S. Highway Route 95 Southbound Oran K. Gragson Highway - Las Vegas Crosstown Freeway SOUTH Downtown Las Vegas, Interstate 515, U.S. Highway Routes 93 and 95 SOUTH Phoenix Arizona left lanes approaching Exit 77 - U.S. Highway Route 95 Business Loop Route

Be careful where you sit............

Park Sidewalk at Sunrise

Nicolas Cage in Las Vegas

Park Sidewalk before Sunrise

Centennial Hills Mountain View

Desert Hydrant

Rescue 2 of Las Vegas Fire & Rescue with Medicwest Ambulance at Mountain View Hospital in Las Vegas.

Sin City

The Excalibur, Las Vegas

Reflections from the Cherry Suite at Red Rock Resort - December, 2012

Mulberry Lake

Bee's eye view

Impala View

Stratosphere At Dusk. Las Vegas can be unusually beautiful sometimes.

The Las Vegas Strip Panorama

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The Edge of Vegas

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0246937642128-108-19-02-Snowy Las Vegas Street-2-Black and White

02468026-61-Lightning Over Las Vegas-2

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Stormy Vegas Morning

Red Rock Canyons

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Thor's painterly sunset