The Spot, but From The Air

'Led sled'

window view #4

The National Museum of the U.S. Air Force

The National Museum of the U.S. Air Force

The National Museum of the U.S. Air Force

It Sleeps Next To Me Nightly

Dayton 06-2019 3 - South Main Street View From Ceowne Plaza Hotel

McCook Field Wind Tunnel (1918)

Passing Train

McDonnell Douglas (Boeing) X-36 at Wright-Patterson

McCook Field Wind Tunnel (1918)

P-39 Airacobra at NMUSAF, Dayton

McCook Field Wind Tunnel (1918)

Algonquin Hotel, Dayton, OH - 1913 Flood

North Main Street, Dayton, OH - 1913 Flood

Ohio - Dayton Aviation Heritage National Historic Park

Geep on Q Duty

What Once Was.


TrackHead Studios - So Much Sacrifice

Canada Geese at Dawn #2

Dawn #2

Lifesaving Muscle

Bee Fly Hovering

Tall Grass in High Summer (Landscape)

"Didn't Y'all Hear Them 'Splosions Last Night?"

Sunset Reflected on Ice | 2/52 "Nature"

Sunset at the Apple Street Floodgate

Spring Sunburst (Explore 05-23-2016)

Dayton Skyline


Reflections on Fishing in the Morning No. 2

Autumn on the River

Layers of Natural Reality

Sunrise on the Prairie

Foggy and Frozen

Different Fishing Methods

Dawn in the Clouds #1

Ohio Spring: Visual Therapy

Dayton's Morning Skyline

Putting In