Small Engrailed - (Ectropis crepuscularia)

Middle Street

US 70 - Exit 417

Tryon Palace

Stare Down

Now and Then, E. Front Street | New Bern, NC

TGIF... Happy Weekend to you my friends...birthplace of pepsi-cola... new bern, north carolina

Exits 417 A & B - US 70 East - New Bern

Agreeable Tiger Moth (Spilosoma congrua)

Shadows of the Sun


Christ Episcopal Church

The Athens Theatre

New Bern City Hall

New Bern Bear

Monarda didyma 'Raspberry Wine' - Top view

My Kit (updated)

The Birth Place of Pepsi-Cola

Plane View | Bridgeton, NC Sunset (3/12/13)

Old Bern Bear

New Bern City Hall

New Bern North Carolina - Governor's Palace - Tryon Palace

Sky on Fire

Beyond the Forest

Cloud Highlight

Sunset (2/21/2014) | New Bern Grand Marina

Samuel J. Battle TudioJepegii

Pot of Gold | New Bern, NC

Take Me To The River

Sunset Jet

All in a Row

Neuse River, New Bern, North Carolina

Raindrops at sunset

Fringetree (Chionanthus virginicus)

New Bern North Carolina - Governor's Palace - Tryon Palace

Gaillardia X Grandiflora "Arizona Sun"

Gravity Wave Clouds

Red Dawn

A Warm December Day

The First Day of Winter