Lights & Fog

Romania-2382 - View from Hotel

plangand pe ape

Lasiopa sp. - III

Waiting for someone

"Unbearable Lightness"

Thank You in many languages

Say "cheese"

Lasiopa sp. - II

Matia Corvin

Butterfly effect


Looking Up

Postcard from Cluj

View from Belvedere HDR

Street view

There's a Hopeless Place Inside My Heart

Escape Into the Park

Panorama - Cluj Arena

Lake View...

Searching for the moon

Waiting for spring

Old Tree

Romania-2387 - Cluj-Napoca Sunset

Old Tree

this morning

They Landed

Romanian scenary


Gradina Botanica

Pădurea Făget 12.10.2013

Evening flight

Gradina Botanica

Gradina Botanica


Gradina Botanica

Gradina Botanica

White smoke at sunset

Foggy morning

Gradina Botanica

Gradina Botanica