Guelph's Church of our Lady

Feeding Time-Explored

Semi Circle Reflections

Vehicle in Motion

Thistle Ridge

Ellacott Lookout

Winter Ablaze

Tie-Dyed Sky

The Windmill

Little House on the Prairie

September Mist

The Mill Pond On The Speed River In Hespeler

Guelph Covered Bridge - Royal Recreational Trail

Street Veiw

all is calm, all is bright

night snowfall

Paramedics in Motion Exotic Car Show

Guelph Lake, Infrared

Macdonell Street .... Guelph, Ontario, Canada

Independence Day

Feathered edges

Guelph’s Covered Bridge

Lone Bail

Rockwood Lake

spring is such an immense reincarnation

Late Summer Dawn

Dawn, Dorcas Bay

Autumn in Wild Goose Woods

Rockwood Lake Lookout

Reflections - Speed River, Guelph, Ontario


The Speed River

Memories of Spring Past

Just Passing Through (Snow)

August Afternoon

Farmland in Eramosa

spring pond

Crimson Skies

caverns and waterfalls


Acton Farm