evening glow

Imperial "500" Motel - Wildwood Crest, New Jersey

Black-crowned Night Heron

Tundra Swans

LeConte's Sparrow

View from the Dock

Before Dawn

Semipalmated Sandpiper

Savannah Sparrow

Long-tailed Duck

Snowy Owl

laundry day

Purple Sandpiper


the early morning wait

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nicely making way

Long-tailed Duck

"I'm waiting for you!"

Long-tailed Duck

Hooded Merganser

The impasse was all in my mind

Sea Isle City, NJ - 2913

Buenos días

Sunset Cruise

Living on the Edge

a brand new day

Looking ahead...

Dock of the Bay

Morning on 5 Mile Beach

the magic time


Ferris Attack

some of my best mornings...

Stone Harbor

the beginning of something beautiful

Good Day Sunshine!

166: the shell seakers

#Fisherman #pier

chasing away the night

seagull in the spotlight