Masking time #10

Masking time #07

View to water tower

Dampflok 01 1531-01, Schnellzuglokomotive

Sunset for Halle

Berlin Bridge

Halle Saale Leipziger Turm

View over Halle (Saale)

r a n d o m . c a r t

Halle Saale by night

changes in perception | explored

medical center


View from Backseat

Former orphanage in Halle

Halle an der Saale

Human Habitats

View from Riveufer to Ziegelwiese with high water of Saale

Socialism and Architecture

Socialism and Architecture

Former orphanage in Halle

Stadtpark Halle (Saale)

he comes

Herbst am See/ Autumn on Lake



Baumbart, der älteste der Ents

Morgennebel in der Aue

Saale Flusslandschaft / river Saale landscape

steam .


cold lake

Njáls little Norway

Kleines Wiesenvögelchen (Coenonympha pamphilus)

towards the sun

to be a big fish in a small pond

Am Fluss
