Goodyear ZNPK-28 Blimp Control Car

Caravelle Nose

Dexter Coffin bridge carrying I-91 traffic...

Officer K-9 Rosco

Harvest Wagon

Red Clover (Trifolium pratense)

Heublein Tower, Talcott Mountain State Park, Simsbury, Connecticut

Midnight in a Perfect World During the Winter Solstice...

Mushroom Heaven

Bridge and reflection

Dusk on the Course

A southward view, again, from the top of the Tower

A southeastern view, again, from the top of the Tower

Old pump house, Hazardville, CT.

A Fine Day for a Walk

Horse Of A Different Color

water freezes in the most beautiful of places


Song Sparrow

Sikorsky VS-44A 'Excambian'"

Reflect on This

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Golden Boy

Beautiful skies with a surreal contrail - all centered around the sun... #landscape #sky #wispyclouds #clouds #contrail #contrails #lensflare #nofilter #sunny day #springhassprung

Air and ice.


Spring Time House Finch

Mill Pond Falls - Newington, CT


Powder Hollow - 2013

Shuttle 450 at Windsor, CT

Fall Fire

As long as you follow...

Out for a Hike

I Have Promises to Keep


Farmington Canal Heritage Trail (Suffield)

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Looking down at the area just below Talcott Mountain, from the lookout area

Red-winged Blackbird

same barns different day

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