771st Tank Destroyer Battalion-Tom Rohland on far right in Ortenburg, Germany, 1945

771st Tank Destroyer Battalion-Corporal Thomas R. Rohland in Ortenburg, Germany, 1945


Standing Alone

three goals

Bavarian Shire


Winterspaziergang (winter walk)

Kirchturm (Church tower)

Zwischen den Feldern ( Between the fields)

Zwei gegen Einen.... (two against one...)

DB BR 50.622

Winterlandschaft 2014 (Winter landscape 2014)

Aufwärts... (upwards...)

Ein Haus im Kornfeld

Frühling im Rottal

the birds and the bees

Wolkenwand / bank of fog

panorama in Kößlarn, Bavaria

Wintersaat (winter seed)

Licht im Wald / Light in the forest

Farm House

am Fluss