Sea of colour


into the blue

Local lightning Strike

blue world

Traffic jam

Lookout Post - Stay Safe Dear East Coast Friends....

In A Country Churchyard

Stuck Inside Again

Looking Up At Sunset

Father Christmas

April Showers Bring May Flowers

Fading Reflection

The Tree Tops

Two Ruby Red Lips

Suburban Solitude

Downtown Mississauga

This Frozen Earth

In like a lion

Happy St Patricks Day!!

Greenhouse view

Stormy Skies



Stormy Day on the Farm in Norval

Snowy Branches HDR

Cross Country

Follow the Path

A Driveway in Norval.

Early Sunlight

Got one!

Frosty Window Landscape

Fall colors - Riverwood Park, Mississauga

Ghost Wood Landscape 2

Autumn at Loafers' Lake

The Field

Snow blown trees in Landscape

“Always watch where you are going. Otherwise, you may step on a piece of the forest that was left out by mistake.” Winnie the Pooh

Dusk on Loafers Lake

Autumn Sky