The View from Here

Louder Than Thunder

Lighthouse Revisited

Finally Back at the Lake

First Star of the Night

More Paintings

Summer's Over

Let's Go On An Adventure

Golden Glow

Priest River Idaho

[IDAHO-A-0462] Albeni Falls Dam

[IDAHO-A-0463] Albeni Falls Dam

Panorama inside a one room schoolhouse

[IDAHO-A-0461] Albeni Falls Dam

Albeni dam pano

All Quiet On the Crancher Ranch Front

Rustic Nature

Nature's Color n' Balance

Albeni Cove Pano

Sunset Reflections

Pend Oreille River from Viewpoint

Priest River Airport, Idaho

sunset on Priest River

Backlit Horse

Reflections on Golf Range!

Lake Reflections

Davis Lake

Stillness Around Time

Snowy and Rugged Territory

Merritt Bridge

Unusual Driving Range!

Davis Lake

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