Por do Sol

Mar de Fortaleza

Vista Aérea do Parque Estadual da Lagoa da Jansen pela manhã - São Luís, Maranhão

Vista Aérea do Parque Estadual da Lagoa da Jansen à noite - São Luís, Maranhão

When I feed the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why the poor are hungry, they call me a communist. — Dom Helder Camara

Diospyros kaki - Japanese Persimmon

Image from page 189 of "India rubber world" (1899)

Coming home from very lonely places, all of us go a little mad: whether from great personal success, or just an all-night drive, we are the sole survivors of a world no one else has ever seen.

Hopkins in Cupola

Capoeira on the beach, Fortaleza - Brazil

Ponte dos Ingleses


Canoa Quebrada -websites-Brasil- AÉREA-canoarte

Image from page 189 of "India rubber world" (1899)

Image from page 323 of "India rubber world" (1899)

Image from page 524 of "The genealogies, tribes, and customs of Hy-Fiachrach, commonly called O'Dowda's country" (1844)

Image from page 189 of "India rubber world" (1899)

Image from page 334 of "India rubber world" (1899)

Image from page 30 of "Cyclopedia of American horticulture, comprising suggestions for cultivation of horticultural plants, descriptions of the species of fruits, vegetables, flowers and ornamental plants sold in the United States and Canada, together wit

Image from page 118 of "The Tropical agriculturist and magazine of the Ceylon Agricultural Society" (1905)

Sitting pretty......

O Muro da Cidade

Naturally Colourful

Fortaleza, Ceara - Brazil

Rugged terrain

Série de temporada dos Ipês-amarelos (Tabebuia chrysotricha) - 04-08-2009 - IMG_3470

Duna do Pôr-do-Sol, Jericoacoara

Série com o Ipê-amarelo em Brasília, Brasil - Series with the Trumpet tree, Golden Trumpet Tree, Pau D'arco or Tabebuia in Brasília, Brazil - 13-09-2012 - IMG_4662

Série com o Ipê-amarelo em Brasília, Brasil - Series with the Trumpet tree, Golden Trumpet Tree, Pau D'arco or Tabebuia in Brasília, Brazil - 13-09-2012 - IMG_4804_2

Série com o Ipê-amarelo em Brasília, Brasil - Series with the Trumpet tree, Golden Trumpet Tree, Pau D'arco or Tabebuia in Brasília, Brazil - 13-09-2012 - IMG_4625

Série com o Beija-flor Tesoura (Eupetomena macroura) e o Ipê-amarelo (Tabebuia [chrysotricha or ochracea]) - Series with the Swallow-tailed Hummingbird and the Ipê, Poui, trumpet tree or Pau D'arco - 01-08-2010 - IMG_4853

Série com o Ipê-amarelo em Brasília, Brasil - Series with the Trumpet tree, Golden Trumpet Tree, Pau D'arco or Tabebuia in Brasília, Brazil - 13-09-2012 - IMG_4675_2

Série com o Ipê-amarelo em Brasília, Brasil - Series with the Trumpet tree, Golden Trumpet Tree, Pau D'arco or Tabebuia in Brasília, Brazil - 13-09-2012 - IMG_4708

Série com o Ipê-amarelo em Brasília, Brasil - Series with the Trumpet tree, Golden Trumpet Tree, Pau D'arco or Tabebuia in Brasília, Brazil - 13-09-2012 - IMG_4800_2

Série com o Ipê-amarelo em Brasília, Brasil - Series with the Trumpet tree, Golden Trumpet Tree, Pau D'arco or Tabebuia in Brasília, Brazil - 13-09-2012 - IMG_4643_2

Série com o Beija-flor Tesoura (Eupetomena macroura) e o Ipê-amarelo (Tabebuia [chrysotricha or ochracea]) - Series with the Swallow-tailed Hummingbird and the Ipê, Poui, trumpet tree or Pau D'arco - 01-08-2010 - IMG_5508

Série com o Beija-flor Tesoura (Eupetomena macroura) e o Ipê-amarelo (Tabebuia [chrysotricha or ochracea]) - Series with the Swallow-tailed Hummingbird and the Ipê, Poui, trumpet tree or Pau D'arco - 01-08-2010 - IMG_5329

Série com o Beija-flor Tesoura (Eupetomena macroura) e o Ipê-amarelo (Tabebuia [chrysotricha or ochracea]) - Series with the Swallow-tailed Hummingbird and the Ipê, Poui, trumpet tree or Pau D'arco - 01-08-2010 - IMG_5506

Série com o Ipê-amarelo em Brasília, Brasil - Series with the Trumpet tree, Golden Trumpet Tree, Pau D'arco or Tabebuia in Brasília, Brazil - 13-09-2012 - IMG_4611

Série com o Ipê-amarelo em Brasília, Brasil - Series with the Trumpet tree, Golden Trumpet Tree, Pau D'arco or Tabebuia in Brasília, Brazil - 21-08-2011 - IMG_8559

Série de temporada dos Ipês-amarelos ou Araguaney, Tajibo, Cañaguate (Tabebuia chrysotricha, Tabebuia alba ou Tabebuia chrysantha) – Series with the Yellow Ipe, Trumpet tree or Pau D'arco seasons - 03-08-2013 - IMG_6703_2 copy