Cold Cologne

On the lookout

Classical Cologne View

Mysterious shadow play

Autumn Sun

Drive through (Cologne - underground station)

October Sun's Rays

A cold silent night in Cologne

Cologne cathedral

2012 October

Cologne Cathedral bw

October 2011 01

2014 October 01

Nature spot light

Experimental Planting

The Crane house No1

Take a seat

Autumn has come

May 2014

This Cologne Smells Good

December 2010 04


Moon light shadow

Cologne, Germany

Murbach in Murbachvalley

Wet feet in the creek

Köln im Dezember 2014

Cologne fair (ND0.9)

Das berühmteste Motiv von Köln / The most famous motif of Cologne

picture postcard from cologne

Autumn light

once upon a time...

on the Rhine

20 seconds of Cologne in the blue hour

Nature Moments

Cathedral by Night

Misty Morning