Hooded, Whooping and Sandhill Cranes

Sandhill Cranes

Rolling Hills

Imodium Falls (Little Possum Creek Falls) - Possum Creek Gorge Section of the Cumberland Trail

Soddy Creek, Cumberland Trail State Park, Hamilton County, Tennessee 1

Big Possum Creek - Possum Creek Gorge Section of the Cumberland Trail

Imodium Falls (Little Possum Creek Falls) - Possum Creek Gorge Section of the Cumberland Trail

Imodium Falls (Little Possum Creek Falls) - Possum Creek Gorge Section of the Cumberland Trail

Big Possum Creek - Possum Creek Gorge Section of the Cumberland Trail

Imodium Falls (Little Possum Creek Falls) - Possum Creek Gorge Section of the Cumberland Trail

Imodium Falls (Little Possum Creek Falls) - Possum Creek Gorge Section of the Cumberland Trail

Big Possum Creek - Possum Creek Gorge Section of the Cumberland Trail

Big Possum Creek - Possum Creek Gorge Section of the Cumberland Trail

At Imodium Falls - Possum Creek Gorge Section of the Cumberland Trail

On Rock Creek - Rock Creek Gorge Section of the Cumberland Trail

Possum Creek Gorge Section of the Cumberland Trail

Big Possum Creek - Possum Creek Gorge Section of the Cumberland Trail

On Rock Creek - Rock Creek Gorge Section of the Cumberland Trail

Blanchard Creek - Possum Creek Gorge Section of the Cumberland Trail

Possum Creek Gorge Section of the Cumberland Trail

BIg Possum Creek Bridge - Possum Creek Gorge Section of the Cumberland Trail

Possum Creek Gorge Section of the Cumberland Trail

On Rock Creek - Rock Creek Gorge Section of the Cumberland Trail