PrettyPlace, (Symmes Chapel)

Poinsett Bridge near Highland, SC

Sugarloaf Elementary School, Hendersonville, NC

Stone Mountain

Once-staff members Dean Mayer and Mark Bailey view the remnants of The Boathouse, the waterfront-staff cabin where they once spent their summers on staff..

Pretty Place Chapel

Log Bench

Hendersonville Bears 13 - Into The Wild


Orange Peppers

Jeter Mountain Fog

In a Hurry

Cascading Water

I will lift up my eyes to the hills...

Pearson's Falls

Pearson Lower New Trail - Read Description

Pleasant Ridge Falls - Marietta, S.C.

River On the Rocks II

Flat Rock Village Hall

Pearson's Falls-through the Trees

Smoke Layers

Jones Gap State Park

Gentle Falls on the North Pacolet River

Jones Gap

Gentle North Pacolet

Sunrise Tryon

Middle Saluda River - Jones Gap

Middle Saluda at Jones Gap

Low Key

Fish Pond at Jones Gap

The Guarded Way

The Park At Flat Rock (Flat Rock, North Carolina)

Road to Nowhere

First light

Morning Mist

Sunrise at Mt Tryon

Poinsett Bridge - Greenville Co, S.C.

South Carolina Stream in the Spring

Pearson's Falls in HDR

Peaceful Trail

Falls Along the Pacolet