Past Time

Elizabeth & Greg's Wedding | Hilton Marietta Hotel & Transfiguration Catholic Church | Marietta Atlanta Wedding Photographer

Sixes Mll

Marietta Street View

Heron Preening

Stairway to the barn

Plumas de angel

Marion #2

2nd platform-mist @ Dukes-Creek-falls

We finally moved

Yellow Lily

Out from nowhere

Elizabeth & Greg's Wedding | Hilton Marietta Hotel | Marietta Atlanta Wedding Photographer

Elizabeth & Greg's Wedding | Hilton Marietta Hotel & Transfiguration Catholic Church | Marietta Atlanta Wedding Photographer

Mattie's Watch

Simply Me{faded}

Dukes Creek Falls-Kennisaw Georgia-2nd platform

Faithful Servant

Blue barn

Lockheed Aircraft at Open House

Hiked up Kennesaw Mountain with the kids today. Kicked my butt. Great workout and the weather and views were perfect.

Wintery Marshland

Another Sunset at the Swamp

Class 1 Slow Shutter Speed

Kennesaw Mtn. Battlefield

Class 1 Fast Shutter Speed

This Was Home

Dusk at the Swamp

Caddies Migrating to Warmer Waters

Sixes Mill

Just your typical Saturday.

Mr Blue Bird


Kennesaw Trenches


Beaver Pond

Marietta City Cemetery (6-23-09)

Just around the bend

Kaleidoscopic Battlefields

Cool running